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Malaria Consortium Job Recruitment (3 Positions)

Malaria Consortium Job


Malaria Consortium is one of the world?s leading non-profit organisations specialising in the comprehensive prevention, control and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases among vulnerable and under privileged populations. We increasingly find our work on malaria can be effectively integrated with other similar public health interventions for greater impact and therefore expanded our remit to include child health and neglected tropical disease interventions.

We are recruiting to fill the following positions below:

1.)?Security Manager


Location: Abuja

Slot: 3 Openings

Deadline: 22nd November, 2023

Job Title: Security Manager


Employment Type: Full Time
Slot: 3 Openings

Scope of Work

  • The three Security Managers positions (SMs) will oversee one zone each of North-East (Yobe), North-West (Sokoto) and South (Anambra) where Malaria Consortium?s activities in Nigeria are located, managing the day-to-day safety and security operations to ensure the achievement of project goal and objectives.
  • The position holders will report to the Senior Security Manager (SSM) serving as his or her designate in their location of operation.
  • The SM will analyze complex security issues and contexts, create and continually update a country security communication tree and their location specific Safety and Security Plans (SSPs) and associated Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs), give sound practical safety and security advice, and make decisions to support safe operations within the zones.

Key working relationships:

  • The Security Managers will, under the supervision and guidance of the SSM, work closely with Malaria Consortium staff (especially the state team leads), peer NGO security focal points, security agencies within the International NGO sector at the State and LGA levels in the states within their zones.
  • S/he will closely interact with the State Security Focal Persons (SSFPs) across states within their zone and projects ensuring safety and security of MC staff and properties.
  • The SSFPs will be the first recipient of security information from the SMs, with copy to other senior colleagues at the national (Country Director, Country Operations Manager and Programme Leads).

Key accountabilities
General Security Management of MC office operations) – 40%:

  • Create the zonal security communications tree for their zones and ensure that it is always updated.
  • Ensure that all states? offices within their zones have a designated fire warden, and that fire equipment checks, and fire drills are done at least once every 6 months.
  • Establish and maintain an active information network within their zones, which includes state security actors, peer NGO security focal points and relevant security alert sources to obtain daily reliable and credible and relevant safety information.
  • Ensure that all state SSFPs are conducting Security Briefings for all new state staff and visitors to the states within their zones (national and international).
  • Embed all safety and security SOPs within the office environment and ensure all staff comply.
  • Work with the SSM and operations staff to ensure that all Malaria Consortium vehicles, offices and rented vehicles (within their zones) have the right equipment and tools to support good safety and security, and that all such equipment is regularly checked and tested.
  • Conduct quarterly physical security assessments of states with their respective zones.
  • Conduct fire safety checks in all projects? offices within their zones during quarterly visits and make budgeted recommendations for improvements.
  • Ensure that all staff working in MC offices in their zones completes the required online security trainings.
  • Provide weekly security reports to the SSM and SSFPs, copying senior colleagues at the national level, including with a risk map by LGA and LGAs with planned activities for the following week, highlighting relevant risks and mitigation plans.

Intervention/Project-specific security management – 35%:

  • Conduct security risk assessment prior to the commencement of all community-level project intervention, especially SMC and LLIN campaign, within their zones, and ensure recommendations from the assessment feed into the planning and design of implementation strategies.
  • Review the security profile of each state within each zone at the end of each SMC cycle and submit updated risk profile at least two weeks to the commencement of the next cycle.
  • Review the list of hospitals for the conduct of REVEAL activity and any such activities before commencement or research, data collection and other activities.
  • Conduct post-implementation security status review of each state within their zones after each cycle (in case of SMC) and completion of phased out implementation, for level of compliance with security protocol in previous cycle and make recommendations accordingly, for the next cycle / next phase of project activities.
  • Input daily and weekly into all project activity plans in the states within their zones, the LGAs, Wards and community ensuring that all activities are planned based on the principle of ?staff safety first?.
  • Along with the SSFPs, Operations and Project staff, make daily decisions on project activities in states within their zones, from a security perspective, approving, restricting, or delaying activities and/or movements where needed.
  • Maintain a movement tracker for the movement of all staff and temporary employees in states within their zones, related to activity planning, implementation, and evaluation, ensuring that it is updated daily and accurate at all times, and includes start and end locations, estimated start and end times, driver and passenger names and contact details, as well as vehicle details.
  • Ensure that for all project staff movements within their zones, during routine daily or project activity implementation, there is an agreed mode of communication that is functional in the areas to be visited, with agreed check-ins for every trip.
  • Provide security clearance for all project and operations related trip for staff and locations within their zone.

Security Document Development, Updating and Capacity Building – 20%

  • Support the SSMs and SSFPs within their zones, to draft, implement and continually update (at least every 6 months) the location specific SSPs, with associated SOPs, using the standard template which includes communications and movement protocols, security communication tree, information flows, etc.
  • Ensure that all staff in Malaria Consortium Nigeria offices within their zones receive a safety and security induction and have completed relevant internal and online security training courses.
  • Work with the SSFPs to ensure that all state staff are trained on and are familiar with and follow the programme Safety and Security Plan and associated SOPs; with reports shared with the SMs and the other relevant country office staff.

Security Management – 5%

  • Serve as the primary contact for the SSFPs in each state on safety and security incident reporting.
  • Work with SSFPs and country office leadership as may be necessary in the management of security incidents.
  • Monitor all agreed security management actions and provide update as necessary.

Qualifications and experience

  • Minimum of 8 years? experience in security management of operations in diverse situations, including stable and conflict-riddled and security-challenged environment, with extensive experience of security management in Nigeria
  • Demonstrated courses in security management
  • Has previous experience as a Security Officer or Manager in an international NGO within the last 3-5 years
  • Experience in risk analysis and management
  • Ability to demonstrate their links with relevant security networks in Nigeria
  • Conversant with the geography of the zone of interest and speaks the local language(s) of the zone.

Work-based skills and competence:

  • Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team
  • Ability to multi-task
  • Knowledge of, and ability to use Microsoft office suite skill
  • Able to pay attention to detail
  • An effective communicator, with strong interpersonal skills
  • Proven writing skills in English
  • Ability to work effectively in a culturally sensitive setting
  • Ability to explain complex security issues to a non-technical audience
  • Ability to be able to work in an organized manner but within an integrated team


  • Demonstrable passion for Malaria Consortium?s mission; a strategic manager with integrity and a desire to work in a dynamic environment
  • Strong analytical skills and experience interpreting a strategic vision into an operational model
  • A collaborative and flexible style, with a strong service mentality
  • Good representational skills.


Application Closing Date
22nd November, 2023 (23:59 GMT).

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

2.)?State Consultant (Lead): Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Commodity Audit and Malaria Commodity Survey

Locations: Abuja (FCT), Bauchi, Borno, Kebbi, Kogi, Nassarawa, Oyo, Plateau, and Sokoto

Deadline: 13th November, 2023.

Job Title:?National Consultant (Lead): Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Commodity Audit and Malaria Commodity Survey

Location:?Abuja (FCT), Bauchi, Borno, Kebbi, Kogi, Nassarawa, Oyo, Plateau, and Sokoto
Employment Type: Contract
Slots: 9 (1 per state)
Duration: November – December 2023.


  • We require qualified supply chain personnel who provide objective and professional opinion on level of accountability demonstrated in the management of SPAQ during 2023 SMC intervention by carrying out a commodity management audit exercise.
  • The Commodity Management Audit will be conducted in the nine (9) states (Plateau, Kogi, Nasarawa, Kebbi, Sokoto, Borno, Oyo, FCT and Bauchi).
  • The exercise will involve reviewing documents and interviewing officials from Malaria Consortium and Government (State, LGAs, and health facility workers) in the nine states.
  • The assignment will focus on supply chain management and survey of private outlets on malaria commodities.

Type of personnel required for the audit

  • This assignment will require the following technical assistants:
  • Consultants (National and State Level Consultants): A team of 10 consultants (1 team lead and 9 others). The lead consultant will have oversight on all the activities and will be in Bauchi for the field work. S/he will be responsible for the review and finalization of the protocol for the commodity audit.

Specific Activities for the Personnel?(State Consultants)

Specific Tasks:

  • The state level consultant deployed to the state will train record reviewers that will do lower-level data reviews
  • Entry meeting with State Malaria Elimination Programme (SMEP), State LMCU and LGA PHC team at the commencement of assignment
  • Visit state designated state central medical store, LGA stores and sampled health facilities for review of available records.
  • Alert on presence of unused SPAQ at any health facilities and any other transient points back to the CMS
  • Reconcile the result of the physical count with the record of Malaria Health product receipt and distribution to determine the completeness and correctness of the records.
  • Interview health workers in sampled health facilities on knowledge in the management of malaria commodities and pharmacovigilance
  • Interview health workers in the sampled health facilities on the challenges in the management of SMC commodities during the 2023 SMC campaign
  • Examine the conditions of the commodities and categorize into good, bad or expired
  • Examine the conditions of the stores (CMS and selected health facilities) and classify as conducive, safe, secured, adequate or otherwise.
  • Assess the compliance with policies and procedures laid down for the receipt, distribution and storage of the commodity and identify areas for improvement
  • Debrief with SMEP/SMoH before leaving the state.
  • Debrief with MC team at the state level on findings at the conclusion of assignment.
  • Write a comprehensive report on the assignment making recommendations where necessary and using appropriate template.

Assignment report for assigned states to include:

  • Availability and use of commodity logistic tools
  • The results of the physical count and reconciliation of SPAQ in the selected locations
  • The result of assessment of Malaria Health Product stock and store conditions
  • Result of the assessment of compliance with the laid down policies and procedures
  • Report with recommendations for improvement (as appropriate) and next steps.
  • Determine the number of data reviewers that will be required for the audit.

Timelines for Activities:

  • The timeline for the assignment is between November- December 2023.

Number of Contractual TA-Days:

  • State Consultants (One per state) – 17-days.

Qualifications and Experience
The ideal National Consultants must have experience managing health commodities which includes handling the documentation and accountability of health products in both private and or public sector and or carrying out research that involves investigation with eyes for details. In addition, s/he is required to have:

  • A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy or other Health related fields
  • 3-5 years Postgraduation experience as a Pharmacist involved in the Management of Health Commodities.
  • Demonstrable ability to work in a resource scarce environment.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to give attention to details.

Application Closing Date
13th November, 2023 by 8 a.m..

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • Kindly note that applicants who do not follow this specification, will be disqualified.
  • Kindly note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and as a result, the application process may conclude before the advertised deadline. Therefore, early applications are highly encouraged.
  • Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted
  • Malaria Consortium does not accept or ask for payment during recruitment. We also would not accept hard copy CVs; all applications should be sent through the above link.

3.)?National Consultant (Lead): Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Commodity Audit and Malaria Commodity Survey

Location: Bauchi

Deadline: 13th November, 2023.

Employment Type: Contract
Duration: November – December 2023


  • We require qualified supply chain personnel who provide objective and professional opinion on level of accountability demonstrated in the management of SPAQ during 2023 SMC intervention by carrying out a commodity management audit exercise.
  • The Commodity Management Audit will be conducted in the nine (9) states (Plateau, Kogi, Nasarawa, Kebbi, Sokoto, Borno, Oyo, FCT and Bauchi). The exercise will involve reviewing documents and interviewing officials from Malaria Consortium and Government (State, LGAs, and health facility workers) in the nine states. The assignment will focus on supply chain management and survey of private outlets on malaria commodities.

Type of Personnel Required for the Audit
This assignment will require the following technical assistants:

  • Consultants (National and State Level Consultants): A team of 10 Consultants (1 team lead and 9 others). The Lead Consultant will have oversight on all the activities and will be in Bauchi for the field work.
  • S/he will be responsible for the review and finalization of the protocol for the commodity audit.

Specific Activities for the Personnel

Specific Tasks
The following activities will be undertaken by the lead consultant:

  • Briefing of the state level consultant on the 2023 end of round commodity management audit
  • Review revised and finalize draft protocol and templates for data/information capturing at all holding and transient points.
  • Coordinate the activities of the state level consultants.
  • Supervise the state level consultants in completing the assigned tasks.
  • Debrief with MC team at the national on findings at the conclusion of assignment.
  • Write a comprehensive report on the assignment making recommendations where necessary and using appropriate template.


  • Revised protocol for the commodity management audit
  • Consolidated Assignment report for all the survey states to include:
  • Availability and use of commodity logistic tools
  • The results of the physical count and reconciliation of SPAQ in the selected locations
  • The result of assessment of Malaria Health Product stock and store conditions
  • Result of the assessment of compliance with the laid down policies and procedures
  • Report with recommendations for improvement (as appropriate) and next steps.
  • Determine the number of data reviewers that will be required for the audit

Timelines for Activities:

  • The timeline for the assignment is between November – December 2023.

Number of Contractual TA-Days:

  • Lead Consultant- 18-days.

Qualifications and Experience
Profile requirements of the lead consultant (national consultant):

  • The Lead Consultant will be a health system expert with experience in commodity and project auditing.
  • S/he should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy or Health related discipline with a Postgraduate Degree in Pharmacy or Medical Sciences or Public Health.
  • S/he will provide oversight and coordinate activities of other consultants engaged for this assignment.

Other requirements include:

  • Minimum of 8 years experience in drug supplies and management systems in Nigeria especially in the Public Health Sector.
  • Have experience in developing protocol for health commodity audit or assessment of supply chain systems in Nigeria
  • Demonstrable experience in systems assessment/evaluation.
  • Experience in report writing and communicating with stakeholders.
  • Good understanding of what is feasible in highly resource-constrained environments.

Application Closing Date
13th November, 2023 by 8 a.m..

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online


  • Kindly note that applicants who do not follow this specification, will be disqualified.
  • Kindly note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and as a result, the application process may conclude before the advertised deadline. Therefore, early applications are highly encouraged.
  • Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted
  • Malaria Consortium does not accept or ask for payment during recruitment. We also would not accept hard copy CVs; all applications should be sent through the above link.

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